I wanna be startin’ somethin’

For a while now, I have been wanting to write more. And in the past couple of years, I did in fact write a number of blogposts here and there. I believe some people even enjoyed reading them.

Patrick Sanwikarja
2 min readJan 3, 2022

But still, I don’t write as much as I want to. Which is too bad, because I actually quite enjoy putting words to paper. To write them and then rewrite them, until they say what I want to say. To shape sentences, like a sculptor shapes clay. But writing takes time and attention, which as we all know, is very hard to find in our busy lives.

But what if instead of focusing on time, I focused on creating the habit?

I’m not sure if I can write great blogposts, but I know I am capable of creating new habits. Did you know I have solved a Rubiks’ Cube every day for the past 309 days? I simply started and then didn’t stop doing it. And somehow, I managed to clean my kitchen countertop every day, for the past 907 days (on the days I was home that is). My kitchen used to be a mess all the time. Now it’s nice and tidy every morning. So maybe I can create a habit of writing as well. And maybe, just maybe, at some point I will be able to write something that is actually worth reading.

To paraphrase Ed Sheeran: You have to unclog the pipes. In order for something good to come out, something bad has to come out first. So maybe I shouldn’t care what I write, as long as I actually write something.

So with this blogpost I’m starting something.

Inspired by Seth Godin, who publishes a blogpost every single day (which you should totally read), and by my hero Jerry Seinfeld who still writes jokes every day, I will also write something every day. What will I write about? Don’t know and don’t care (yet). Whatever comes to mind. I’ll probably write a lot of crap. But I guess that’s the whole idea.

To start, I will only write on weekdays and allow myself two days off in the weekend. But who knows, maybe I’ll develop Seth’s and Jerry’s discipline and write 7 days a week. Or, I will make a complete fool of myself, and this will be the only thing I actually did publish. And then we can all have a laugh.

Either way, here it is. The start of my new blog. Let’s go.



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