Replacing placeholders

Patrick Sanwikarja
1 min readApr 12, 2022


So much to do! How to keep an overview of all the work that needs to be done? You work with placeholders.

Right now I’m working on a slidedeck, to present to a group of people. Setting it up was the easy part. I quickly had an idea of what I want to tell and how to tell it. So I wrote an outline, created a bunch of Powerpoint slides with headings and placeholders. And then all that’s left to do is to replace the placeholders with actual content.

But that of course is the real work of delivering something. Whether it’s slides that you wil present or a final design that needs to be built — most of the effort goes into getting every part just right. Finding the right pictures, the right words.

Writing a daily blog is like that. The subject and the outline are the easy part. So this is not a blogpost — it’s a placeholder. I will replace it with actual content soon.



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