The hardest part
Learning and growing can be hard. But the hardest part is often not the task itself. This tweet captures this so well:
I experienced this just now, with my daughter, who is a bit of a worrier (she got that from me). She thinks about what might happen instead of what actually happens. Today she worried about her swimming lesson, as she frequently does. Will I have to go underwater? What if I’m afraid? She really didn’t want to go, but I took her to the pool anyway (paying up front is a good incentive). Luckily, the closer we got, the calmer she became.
When the lesson was over, she was the last one leaving the pool. She walked up to me smiling and when I asked, she said it went well. It’s like this every week. She’s always the last kid to leave the pool, she always smiles after the lesson and it always went well.
As I write this, the washing machine is finished, which means I have to hang up the laundry. I hate hanging up the laundry. Correction: I hate having to hang up the laundry. The task itself is no big deal of course. So I’m going to focus on opening the door of the washing machine and trust that everything will be alright.